jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

hello everyone my name is ignacio morales, i'm 20 years old, i'm birthday the day 11 of november, because i born the day 11 of november of nineteen ninety three. I studied in the elementary called  aldea maria reina, late my secundary high school was benjamin vicuña mackenna and now I'm student of public administration at the universidad de chile.

my family is define of six members: my dad, mom, one sister and four brothers.my dad is50 years old, my sister is 29 years old, my big brother is 25 years old, my little brothers is 12, 8 and 7 years old. my mother died when i was 17 years old. i don't have photos  the six members of my family, but i have  photos of my sister and my brother of 12 years old.

olso i have a second family and this is define for my friends.

miguel and me
marisol, paula,kevin and me
molih, maka and me

 i'm  happy and active human, i like ride in my bike for the city, i'm scout and i love this, i love it playing videogames in the playstation, for example grand theft auto 5( gta5), PES 2014, etc. i love watching anime, for axample one piece, dragon ball z, shingeki no kyojin, etc. olso i love to go a camp around for chile and finally i'm juggler. And i hate travel in the subway and  hate the "babosas".

scout and me

my bike

one piece anime

scout and yours members


camp around of chile

into of my university, i have subjects that i'm doing such as microeconomy, statistics, theory of the science, theory of the administration, english and law. i like the subjects that im doing, but i don´t like is law, because i think that is a few boring, the other subjects i like much especially theory of administration.

henry taylor. father of the administration

in my university i don´t have extracurricular class, because my time is busy in other things such as playing playstation, go a camp, study for test of my subjects. but in the next semester i want have extracurriculars class.

as i don´t have time for have class extracurriculars, neither have other activities into of my university, but sometimes i help in secundary things of activities into of university, such as cut a piece of paper for the elections.

although i dedicate few time the activities extracurricular at university, i wish be part of much activities into university, olso want have good mark in my subjects and enjoy this academic year of the best way

hello everyone, today i will write about of my favourite movie. my favourite movie is " the road to Dorado" of dreamworks. This movie is a  animated adventure film. the film begin in 16th century in spain, and tells about two men-Tulio and Miguel- that During a dice game using loaded dice, they win a map that  shows the location of El Dorado, the legendary city of gold in the new world. afer of the win, they being acussed of cheat and the two men run for evade capture and hide in a barrels, but this barrels  were of Hernán Cortés the conqueror, so Tulio and Miguel are caught  as stowaways in the boat of Cortés. the Cortés boat travelled to America and during the travelling Tulio and Miguel scape of boat  and arrive America.

the main character are Tulio and Miguel and my favourite character is Miguel, because he play guitar and is much disorganized. i like this film, because i think that this film have much meaning of history, because the context is support in the arrival of the spanish to new world, and Tulio and Miguel know the azteca.

 Hello again, today i want talk about a of my favourite photographs, this photograph is a bonfire, and this picture i like because the bonfires have been  very important in my life. since that i was a boy  i liked the bonfire because in this exist a atmosphere happy around of this.  i took this picture, but i don´t like take photographs, because my friends take  a lot of photographs, because they have a professional camera. this photograph have been a the best picture that i have taken and for this i like very much. also i´m scout and always i go travel around of Chile, and have camped in any places with my friends. for example this picture i took in the place called " El Toyo". This place is ubicated in a natural reserve called "cajón del maipo". cajón del maipo is in the arounds of santiago city  

Hello  today i will talk about a website related with my career, this website it calls U-cursos. U-cursos is a website that has a lot of information about  all careers in the university of Chile.In U-cursos you  find information of the subjects that have a career, also you  find the timetables of this subjects, besides, in this website, the teachers upload information from thetests of evaluation of each subjects. This website contains information of the differents institutions of the university, also in U-cursos exists places of conversations between the members, besides you find political material related with differents political groups.

i like this website, because U-cursos is a tool very important to inform  the people about themes related with the careers of the university. also i like this website, because this site has information about my teacher, my timetables and my classmates.i visit this website often a two or three since my day and i visit this website to i be informed about themes of my career.

the link about this website is  https://www.u-cursos.cl/ .


Today i will talk about my travel experiences in Chile. i am a scout  have travelled a lot of places of Chile. i went Pelequén, Lican ray, Villarrica, Osorno, in the others places, but my favourite place of Chile is Chiloé and Lican ray, but today i wiil talk about Chiloé. 

Chiloé is a big island that is in the tenth region of Chile and just you can arrive in a ferry. Chiloé has a rich culture, legends, myths, traditions and the people are very friendly. In Chiloe exist places with much vegetations and a big variety wild animals. The Chiloé capital is Castro, this town you find a lot of locomotion for different places of Chiloé , places as Queilen, Chomchi, Cucao, between others. also in the around of Chiloé exist little island that just you come for a boat. My favourite places inside of Chiloé is Queilen, because here you find a free camping, friendly people and a variety of locomotion for different island around of Chiloé. My experience in Chiloé was incredible, because i went with a friends , also i met different people that presently  are important for me. In general i love the south of Chile.

In Chiloé
In the bus

Friends and me in Chiloé
tranqui´s and me


hello i will talk about Chile. Chile, in my opinion, is a beautiful country, because Chile has defferent places for to visit. i like this country, because i like his plant life, fauna and the people that lives here. also,  you can go at the mountain and go at the beach  in a only day. i don´t like of Chile the subway, the "Transantiago", the pollution and the racism for the other countries. 

i would change of Chile  the negative and unhappy mentality of the people in this country, the people is too much pessimistic and this is not good. i will change this with  happyness and optimistic, because if i have a optimistic attitude , i can transmit this attitude.

i went argentina and i can compare with Chile in the culture that have the people in argentina, they are more consistent with the social themes, political themes, and others things. 

i think that the international perception about Chile is good, because  is a country in democracy, with a great economy. also this  international perception would be because exist a fighting country for the social rights, because in the actuality, the people are in permanently strike for his rights.

Chile in my opinion is beautiful, i will love live in the south of Chile, but here not exist to much technology as in the Santiago city.

Hello everyone i will talk about  my bloggin experience in the english class. i like and enjoyed the experience of my blog, because i met my classmates through of his blogs, and meet his experience in the life, travels, friends, and  other things. also i remember experiences that i did  forget. 

I think that the blog is very funny, but i don´t consider starting my own blog, because i will forget to write in my blog, also i have few time for this things, i  occupy my time in other things, for example in studying for my examens, sleeping, play videogames, etc. maybe i will consider starting my own blog, but right i can´t .

The advantage of have a blog in english, is that you learn a lot of words in english. i learned words that i not met, for example " met" or " arrive".

The good things of have a blog is that i occupied a lot of  my time in learn words in english for i will can writing in the next class about my blog. i think that i don´t exist bad things, because all experiences are a good experience.

I will not change nothing of the blog, because is a great experience for learn about the english. this experience is a unique experience!!!